Zugänglichkeit der Dauerausstellung

Während der Baumaßnahme am so genannten Grafiktrakt des Kunstforums Ostdeutsche Galerie müssen wenige angrenzende Kabinette der Dauerausstellung geschlossen bleiben. Die Highlights aus diesem Bereich finden Sie in einem neu eingerichteten Ausstellungssaal im Erdgeschoss sowie an anderen Orten in der Schausammlung. Das Obergeschoss ist in dieser Zeit leider nicht mit dem Lift zu erreichen. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis. 

Where Do We Come From? Where Are We Heading?

A Trip through Space and Time

In the permanent exhibition, a trip through two hundred years of art and history awaits you, with stops at various places between the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean. Breslau (now Wrocław), Danzig (now Gdansk), Königsberg (now Kaliningrad). and Prague, for example—important chapters of European history happened in these places, and art history was made as well. Far from the cities, artists sought to recuperate and relax in nature. They found inspiration in the picturesque landscape of Italy and the Baltic seacoast.

A detour from the timeline takes you to the Roaring Twenties and to the era of the Iron Curtain. The juxtaposition of works by German, Czech, Russian, and Polish artists shows that exchange between East and West was alive even while Europe was divided.

The tour ends where it began: in the dome hall of the Jugendstil building. Here works by several artists who won the Lovis Corinth Prize are united, including Katharina Sieverding, Markus Lüpertz, and Daniel Spoerri.

The permanent exhibition offers insight into the museum’s extensive art collection. More than a hundred paintings and sculptures are assembled in ten exhibition spaces. One unusual feature: we show four of the paintings so you can see the painted reverse side as well.

This selection is supplemented by loans from other museums and from private collections in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, and the United States. The light-sensitive treasures from the Graphic Arts Collection can be admired in our temporary exhibitions and special events.

Your Visit

Mon closed
Tues to Sun 10am to 5pm
Thu 10am to 8pm

With Children at the Museum

Learning at the Museum


A Showcase of the Collection

The permanent exhibition is a showcase of the museum’s extensive art collection. In ten exhibition spaces, more than 100 paintings and 12 sculptures have been assembled. One unusual feature: we show four of the paintings so you can see the painted reverse side as well.

This selection is supplemented by loans from other museums and from private collections in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, and the United States. The light-sensitive treasures from the collection of prints and drawings can be admired in our temporary exhibitions and during events.

Nächste Führung

Sun. 16.2.
15:00 - 16:00

Ach, die Liebe

Führung mit Stephanie Ruhfaß M.A., Kunsthistorikerin

Permanent exhibitionTour

4 Euro + Eintritt

Anmelden können Sie sich über den Anmeldebutton weiter unten oder unter 0941 29 714 20 (Di bis So 10-17 Uhr).

Die Februar-Führung durch die Dauerausstellung widmet sich Liebesgeschichten rund um einige der Gemälde der Dauerausstellung. Das Selbstporträt von Maxim Kopf und das Bildnis der Bildhauerin Mary Duras erzählen die Geschichte des Künstlerpaares. Was verbirgt sich hinter dem melancholischen Blick von Cornelia Paczka-Wagner, wie sie Max Klinger in Italien malte? Und wer sind die Damen, die Max Pechstein für seine beiden Gemälde „Blauer Tag“ (1911) und „Frische Brise“ (1921) Modell standen?

Art History and Stories about Art


With the kind support of